Currently Loving | GlamGlow SuperMud

Currently Loving | GlamGlow SuperMud

Oh baby, this is a good one. GlamGlow SuperMud had been on my wishlist for a very long time, but as soon as I saw Laura from My Makeup Perspective rave about it, it went straight into my basket on Cloud10Beauty. At €51, it’s a pretty big price to pay for a face…

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What I’ve Been Loving | May

What I’ve Been Loving | May

We’re officially into the second half of 2015 – how did that happen?! Although it’s June 1st, it feels nothing like summer as rain is currently pouring down outside and I’m trying to prepare myself to venture out in it for the Women’s Mini Marathon. Wish me luck! I found a few…

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The Summer Switch Up

The Summer Switch Up

 Yep, I said it. Summer. At last. Although the rainy weather in Ireland doesn’t quite show it, the calendar says that summer is here. Along with the change in season comes a change in your makeup bag. Warmer climates and longer days mean makeup has to work harder than before,…

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Top 10 Drugstore & High End Favourites

Top 10 Drugstore & High End Favourites

For someone who has drawers full of makeup and can’t leave Boots without at least one thing, choosing my top 10 drugstore products and top 10 high end products was quite a challenge. Have a watch and see my favourite products in my most recent YouTube videos! I hope you…

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The Friday Five – Flowers, Food & Friends!

The Friday Five – Flowers, Food & Friends!

Well, well, well – what a week it has been! Things have been pretty quiet around these parts over the past seven days but on the outside of WhatSheDoesNow, everything has been super busy! Let me fill you in with The Friday Five: 1. My amazing friend Emma hosted a…

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The Friday Five

The Friday Five

As I write this post I’m currently thousands of feet in the air travelling back from a quick trip to Lanzarote. While I was over there I had so many ideas for my blog and YouTube channel, and I decided that I wanted to start featuring more lifestyle posts. Recap…

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April Favourites – YouTube Video!!

April Favourites – YouTube Video!!

I did my April favourites a little differently this month – in a YouTube video! Please like, subscribe and share! Let me know in the comments below what you think – I’d love to hear! I’ve decided to finally start making YouTube videos because I’ve been watching them for so…

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Recent Topshop Purchases & Wish List

Recent Topshop Purchases & Wish List

Although it has always been my favourite store, Topshop is killing it lately. Every time I step inside it’s guaranteed that I won’t be leaving empty handed, much to my bank account’s despair. I went into the Topshop off Grafton Street last Saturday and my hands were full with stuff before I’d…

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The Everyday Makeup Routine

The Everyday Makeup Routine

I’ve dresser full of makeup yet I turn to nearly the same products everyday. Who’s with me on that one? When it comes to day-to-day, usually the only way I change up my makeup is my eyeshadow or lipstick, other than that it remains pretty much the same. Coming into spring,…

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Five Photo Week – Holland Edition

Five Photo Week – Holland Edition

I’m coming to you this week a little late and with a little more than five photos. I went to Holland on Wednesday to visit my family and I’d an absolute ball. It’s a beautiful country with such a different atmosphere to Ireland, it was so nice to get a break…

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