Soft Lips Saviours

Soft Lips Saviours

One beauty problem I struggle with all year round is dry, chapped lips. I really have to treat and care for them because if I don’t lipstick doesn’t sit right or look nice at all, and don’t even mention matte balms. There are a few products I use that battle…

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February Favourites / Product of the Month

February Favourites / Product of the Month

They say that February goes by quickly, but boy I didn’t think it would go by that fast. I can’t believe that tomorrow it will be March – I haven’t even adjusted to the fact that it’s 2014 yet, I’m still at 2011 in my head! Anyway, another month means more monthly favourites, so…

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Ultimate Bath-Time Essentials

Ultimate Bath-Time Essentials

Nothing is better than a mid-week bath, especially when it feels like the weekend was months ago. I haven’t had the time to have a bath in aaages, so I was more than excited when I had the time to have one tonight. Cue me grabbing all of the candles…

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LUSH Grease Lightning Review

LUSH Grease Lightning Review

While I always run to Lush for bath bombs and soaps, I’ve never really thought of buying their skincare. I love the idea behind what they create, everything is so natural and there are no nasty chemicals. So when my skin broke out worse than it ever had before, and…

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Accidental Beauty Haul

Accidental Beauty Haul

I hope I’m not the only one when I say that all of my products run out at the exact same time, all the time. This isn’t such a bad thing though, as it’s a nice excuse to go into Boots and do a bit of guilt-free shopping. But we…

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